I stopped writing articles in December because I was using them as a mental health crutch. There’s nothing wrong with that mind you, I just stopped because I didn’t need that crutch anymore. Christmas and New Years happened (as they tend to do) and were full of love and support. Then I went travelling for a long time and when I got back life picked up again. I got a new job, things needed doing, and people needed seeing. All of a sudden it’s May.
All the while I was still writing, (I’ve finally made a real habit out of it) just not article writing. Instead it was a lot of journalling, which was cathartic, and story writing, which was good fun.
Why though?
I’m writing here again now for two reasons:
To say hi to the new people who have signed up to the newsletter in the 5 month absence (12 people organically found it and signed up 🤯)
Because I miss it, and by writing this one after such a long break hopefully it’ll give me the kick in the butt I need to keep publishing.
What though?
For those of you who have been here for a while you’ll be glad to know I’m not going to flood your inbox again with daily posts. I heard your complaints. Instead I’m going to commit to doing one a week, and maybe a second if you’re luck and I feel inspired.
The topics will be the same, which is to say, whatever I feel like. However, given the new job, the growing presence of AI, the chaotic nature of the climate, and my continued love for writing, I expect you’ll get things mostly about climate change, AI, and existential dread. If that’s not what you’re into, well I wrote an article explaining how to unsubscribe a while ago so, go read that.
Also, just to tag this onto the end here, I intend to move away from Substack. They had a lot of controversy in the beginning of the year that I didn’t like and there are better platforms out there that will suit my needs just fine. So in the next month or so if these emails look different don’t be afraid. Very little should change for you.
Okay, that’s all, the next one, probably on Tuesday will be better and longer. If you’ve read this far, hi 👋 It’s nice to be back.